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...FUEL – the Computing Power behind “The Worlds Fastest Road Race” UGP
FUEL has agreed to partner The Ulster Grand Prix – “The Worlds Fastest Road Race” for the next 3 years
FUEL is delighted to announce that it will provide PC’s and IT equipment to the organisers of Ulster Grand Prix, “the world’s fastest road race” between 12-17th August.
The equipment supplied will be used in the official race control room and corporate area providing access to race information and forming the backbone of the communications network surrounding the race. The tablet devices will perform important functions in the UGP supporters club and pit area to collect emails and statistical information. To ensure seamless integration and running of systems, FUEL will be providing support engineers on-site to deal with any support enquiries for the duration of the Grand Prix. Paul Trouton, founding director of FUEL said, “We are delighted to be supporting the Ulster Grand Prix and look forward to working with the team throughout the event.
The hardware and software we are providing will help to further and develop the growing brand of the Ulster Grand Prix which has taken significant strides forward over that last number of years. We are delighted to be associated with such a prestigious and long running event.”