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Car Sales

Discover how FUEL’s SAP Business One offers a real-time, comprehensive car sales retail solution. FUEL’s solution supports key industry sales and service processes so you can deliver superior customer value to help drive profitable, long-term relationships with your customers

Care Sales

Get the most from your car sales retail automotive solutions today and as your business needs evolve with FUEL’s SAP Business One

Car Sales

Cars have progressed so much with time and technology since the Ford Motor Company launched the Model T to market. And along with the change in vehicles, the way the automobile industry sells cars has changed too, largely with thanks to digitalisation worldwide. FUEL’s modern dealer solution includes virtual dealership functionality to complement the bricks-and-mortar operation while offering a contemporary end-to-end experience to reduce product lifecycle, save costs and collaborate the dealer partnership to deliver top-notch services to customers.

With increased demand in this field, the industry faces challenges in improving customer satisfaction, marketing and sales management, reducing costs and efficient supply chain management. FUEL’s SAP Business One serves this dealership industry by providing solutions that fulfil innovative products and provide utmost customer satisfaction.

FUEL can help you:

  • Rethink retail without Boundaries with FUEL. We help retailers deliver great buying experiences to their digital-savvy customers worldwide
  • An integrated package has all the business functions (Purchase, Inventory, Production, Marketing, Sales and Finance), which is able to provide visibility on the real-time status of the tasks.
  • Offers a truly mobile sales and aftersales process
  • The overarching view of sales and marketing activities helps the car dealerships take real-time measures to improve sales and marketing effectiveness.

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